Introduction of Beam Splitter

A beam splitter is an optical instrument that can split a beam of light into two beams by reflecting or transmitting light. It is an important component of many optical instruments (such as interferometers) and fiber-optic telecommunication equipment.

Light beam can be splitted by different ways. There are energy splitting, spectral splitting, and polarization splitting.

Energy splitting can split an incident light beam into beams of different energies. The most common ratio is 1:1 splitting, but there are also various energy ratios depending on the application. Spectral splitting splits the incident light into two beams with different spectral ranges. Polarization splitting can control the polarization difference of the split light beams.

A beam splitter is usually always used at an angle, which can easily separate the incident light into two parts: reflected light and transmitted light. If the reflected light and the transmitted light have different spectral components, or different colors, this type of beam splitter is usually called a dichroic mirror.

A neutral beam splitter is a commonly used beam splitter. It splits a beam of light into two beams with the same spectral components. It has the same transmittance and reflectance ratio for each wavelength in a certain wavelength region, such as the visible light region, so the reflected light and the transmitted light are neutral. Neutral spectroscopes with a transmittance and reflectance ratio of 50/50 are the most common.

Spectral spectroscopes are often used for color spectrometry (reflected light and transmitted light have different spectral ranges).

Working Mechanism of Beam Splitter

There are two common types of beamsplitters: plane beamsplitters, and prism beamsplitters.


A prism beam splitter consists of two glass triangular prisms bonded diagonally into a glass cube. The adhesive is usually made of polyester, epoxy, or polyurethane. The thickness of the adhesive is precisely adjusted to form frustrated total internal reflection, so that when a beam of light of a specific wavelength enters one side of the beam splitter, half of it will be transmitted and the other half will be reflected.


A plane beam splitter is a glass or plastic substrate coated with a film. The film is designed so that when a light of a specific wavelength is directed at the substrate at a 45-degree angle, half is transmitted and half is reflected, thereby equally dividing the incident light beam.

Other beam splitters include: color separation prisms. By combining different prisms, a dichroic coating is used to split the incident light into several beams of light of different wavelengths. It is usually used in camera tubes, special art effect and other applications.

Jingtong Optical Technology - Beam Splitter

Zhongshan Jingtong Optical Technology Co., Ltd. can provide coating services and manufacture plane beamsplitters and prism beamsplitters. We can design and produce energy beamsplitters, spectral beamsplitters, etc.

We can also provide customized services. We can design coatings according to the requirements of customer products to achieve the beam splitting effect required by customers. Our coating products can make the sum of reflectivity and transmittance close to 100%, reducing light loss. We can provide metal beamsplitter films and all-dielectric beamsplitter coatings, suitable for various applications.

Our product example 1 - Plane beam splitter

The plane beam splitter we produced can split a beam of light into two beams very evenly.



Our product example 2 - Prism beam

We can produce prism beam splitter. This is one of our products.


Our product example 3 - Speical customized Prism beam

We can produce special customized beamsplitters according to customer needs.